Life has its way of interpreting itself
Being alive is learning to understand it
To enjoy it is to have come to find your way of understanding it
The step to take between being and enjoying
It is enduring the blows that it gives you without having surrendered to it.

El Nacho, originally from Mexico City, studied Fine Arts at OCAD University (Ontario University of Art and Design) from 2004 to 2010.
Since then, he worked on his paintings, series of notebooks and artist books in his studio, print shop and gallery – Casa Ballena in San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur.

Gabriel Macotelo
Guadalajara, Jalisco, 1954
Pintor, escultor, grabador, dibujante, escenógrafo, editor y músico. Representante de la Generación de la Ruptura; estudió en la Escuela de Pintura y Escultura La Esmeralda y posteriormente ingresó a la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, San Carlos, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Fue alumno de Gilberto Aceves Navarro y miembro del grupo SUMA. Su primera exposición individual la presentó en 1976 en la Casa del Lago de la Ciudad de México.
"Rostros" y "Paisajes". Technique: Engraving.

Juan Manuel de la Rosa
Zacatecas, 1945 Ciudad de México
His first exhibition was inaugurated in 1966 in the capital of Nuevo Leon, and to date he has participated in more than 50 exhibitions, including biennials, competitions, individual painting salons and group shows in Mexico, the United States, France, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Belgium and Spain, among others.
Throughout his career he carried out specialized studies on various techniques for making handmade paper (a la cuba) in countries such as France, Egypt, the United States, Japan and Fiji. He taught specialty courses as a visiting professor at different institutions in several countries, including: the United States, Argentina, Japan, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Colombia. Juan Manuel de la Rosa dedicated his plastic research to the production of paper for his artistic work, conceiving this, in many cases, as the work itself.
"Los libros de viajero" art pieces, made in conjunction with El Nacho.
Camino a Cabo del Este, Col. La Playa, San José del Cabo, B.C.S.,
C.P. 23403
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